Maternity Services

Trauma Informed and Responsive Maternity Services

Women with lived experience of trauma, in particular child abuse, have described the ways in which pregnancy or childbirth experiences and provision of services can exacerbate trauma or result in re-traumatisation. In addition, with or without pre-existing trauma, many have reported trauma related to pregnancy and childbirth. It is therefore critical to embed a trauma-informed approach in maternity services which responds to the women and her family’s needs and mitigates the potential adverse impact of trauma on pregnancy, birth and their transition into parenthood.
The Midwifery and Neonatal workforce have been recognised to have a key role in recognising, responding and supporting families who have been impacted by trauma within their lifetime. While also having a responsibility, through Getting it right for every child, in identifying parental behaviours that may impact their ability to safely and effectively care for their child. Embracing a trauma informed and responsive approach to all care will not only support individuals recovery, but will mitigate potential trauma exposure to their infant and potential infant mental health.
Trauma-Informed Maternity Services Pathfinders

Supporting recommendations from the ‘Transforming Psychological Trauma in Maternity Services findings’ (NES, 2021), the NTTP supported trauma-informed maternity services pathfinder based in two health boards, NHS Grampian and NHS Forth Valley. These pathfinder projects provided tailored training, improvement planning and implementation support for trauma-informed practice, working alongside experts by experience and experts by profession. A national learning report from the pathfinders will be published shortly.
The NTTP have also developed a number of resources to support maternity services/organisations get started on their journey, including a tailored self-assessment resource and a getting started checklist.