Adult Social Care

The NTTP takes a lifespan approach to understanding and working with psychological trauma. Older people, those living with frailty and people living with dementia are equally likely to have experienced trauma throughout their lives, however may not be able to disclose this or advocate for their needs as they once did.
In 2022, a small number of volunteer managers from older adult care homes across Scotland took part in a trial to explore how a peer support and learning approach could facilitate shared learning and reflections in relation to embedding trauma-informed practice in their services.
This short learning note outlines key themes and discussion from an online national learning event which highlighted the key findings from the trial. You can also access event slides, and a recording of the event below
Trauma Informed Practice in the Adult Social Care Sector
Supporting people with dementia

A new trauma-informed practice animation (see below) and trauma-skilled practice e-module has been created by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) to support anyone who works with and cares for, people living with dementia.