Tools and Resources

Companion Documents
This series of companion documents aims to support people working across different policy areas to strengthen their understanding of how taking a trauma-informed approach can support both improved outcomes for the people they support and staff wellbeing and safety. Professionals may also find it helpful to read other companion documents in this series to further understand the importance of trauma-informed practice across different policy and service areas, and how this interlinks with the people they support.
The Improvement Service has developed an Elected Members Briefing Series to help elected members keep pace with key issues affecting local government. This series of briefings aims to raise awareness of the prevalence and impact of psychological trauma on individuals and communities, highlighting some of the good practice around Scotland in developing trauma-informed services, systems and workforces.
Collaborative Peer Learning Workshops
The Improvement Service, Resilience Learning Partnership and the Scottish Government co-host the Collaborative Peer Learning Workshops for local Trauma Champions and Lead Officers, and professionals working in organisations with a national remit who are leading on work in relation to the trauma agenda. Workshops take place online every 8 weeks as an online space for active learning, reflection and collaboration among local and national colleagues. Each workshop will be focused around one or more of the 9 themes or drivers from the Trauma Roadmap and will consider how these apply to local areas and national organisations’ approaches to embed a trauma informed and responsive approach.
You can catch up on speakers from previous workshops below, and sign up to join the workshops in the future.
Events Resources
2020-21 Deep Dive Events
The Improvement Service, NHS Education for Scotland (NES), and Scottish Government developed a series of learning events over 2020-21. These explored how adopting a trauma-informed approach can support key community planning priorities and support professionals to identify tangible steps to help ensure this approach is embedded in policy and practice moving forward. Speaker videos, slides and learning reports from each are available below.