Monitoring Outcomes

Monitoring Outcomes
The National Trauma Transformation Programme is a major, long-term change programme which aims to support a whole system change in our culture and attitudes towards trauma, alongside the practical implementation of trauma informed and responsive policies and practice across our organisations and services.
This type of change takes time and what this ultimately looks and feels like for people with experience of trauma will be very different depending on people’s own unique circumstances and support systems.
Although we cannot measure the quality of every relational experience through performance indicators or targets, we can start to measure the short-term and medium-term intended outcomes of a trauma-informed workforce and services with an understanding that these outcomes are likely to then contribute to our longer term goals.
These intended short, medium and long-term outcomes are set out in the logic model below.

How will we know this work is making a difference?
We will continue to monitor whether there has been an increase in the confidence, knowledge and skills of the workforce in relation to trauma-informed practice, highlighted by the NTTP Workforce Survey 2024.
We will continue to support local workforces to develop local monitoring and evaluation strategies based on tailored feedback loops with Experts by Experience of trauma and staff using the new Roadmap for Trauma-Informed Systems, Services and Workforces.
We will continue to gather evidence and case studies from across all sectors of the workforce and from people with lived experience of trauma, to help share learning and highlight tangible examples of where this work is making a difference.
And we will continue to gather feedback on our resources to ensure they remain useful and relevant.