Networks and Support
The National Trauma Transformation Programme works in collaboration with three key groups who each bring a unique perspective and skillset, that is 1) Trauma-Informed Leaders, 2) Experts by Experience and 3) Experts by Profession.

Trauma-Informed Leaders
The NTTP supports a Local Trauma Champions Network, consisting of senior leaders from Local Authorities, Health and Social Care Partnerships, Health Boards, and key community planning partners is helping to progress trauma-informed practice in local areas and share learning across geographical and professional boundaries in Scotland.
The trauma champions are responsible for overseeing, encouraging and raising awareness of trauma-informed and trauma responsive practice across all services within their area. The trauma champion role is intended to promote local, joined up, multi-agency working to ensure a consistent approach is taken across different agencies and community planning agendas when responding to trauma. They help foster a shared language, vision and understanding for people affected by trauma, leaders and the workforce, across boundaries, towards a common goal.
For information on who your local Trauma Champion is please contact
Experts by Experience
Working in partnership with people with lived experience of trauma and support organisations is at the heart of a trauma-informed and responsive approach and has been key in the design and delivery of the NTTP from the outset.
To support this, our national partner, Resilience Learning Partnership (RLP), facilitate an Expert by Experience of Trauma Advisory Group who provide feedback to our National Steering Group.
RLP also provide input to our Scottish Trauma Informed Leaders Training.
To find out more about the Resilience Learning Partnership, click here.
Power-Sharing with Experts by Experience
In this clip, RLP, explores power sharing as a lived experience led organisation. They discuss how they use co-production, shared decision making processes and staff development to embed Trauma Informed Practice in the way they work across the organisation.
Experts by Profession
Transforming Psychological Trauma Implementation Coordinators (TPTICs) are funded through the National Trauma Training Programme and are based in each health board area. They provide trauma expertise to organisations and Trauma Champions in their local area to support training, coaching, implementation and collaborations with people with lived experience of trauma. To find out who your local TPTIC is please contact
Local Lead Officers for Trauma are in post across many local authority areas and support the coordination and implementation of a trauma-informed approach across local authorities, working in partnership with key community planning partners. For information on who your Local Lead Officer for Trauma is please contact