Children and Families
The National Trauma Transformation Programme is providing tailored support for priority sectors of the Children and Families workforce in Scotland, supporting delivery of The Promise.

Evidence shows that care-experienced children are more likely to experience poorer outcomes across health, education and employment, compared to non-care-experienced children. However, with the right support at the right time, we know that each and every child who experiences trauma can recover and thrive through stable, nurturing and loving relationships. Find out more here.

The following core workstreams are currently being taken forward as part of the NTTP, to support people who work alongside care experienced children and young people:
1) Transforming Connections: a tailored ‘Trauma-Skilled’ level training and coaching package for priority sectors of the Children and Families workforce with a focus on care experienced children and young people. This is currently being offered by the central trauma team at NES, to the following workforces as a priority:
- The Children’s Hearing System and Scottish Children’s Reporters’ Administration (SCRA)
- Nursing and Allied Health Professional (AHP) staff who have a remit that includes a high level of contact with care experienced children and young people (for example school nurses, health visitors and care experienced nurses)
2) Development of resources to support alternative caregivers (kinship, foster, supported lodging carers and adoptive parents) provide trauma-informed care for their children and young people (further details of this will be published on the NTTP website when available in 2024/25); and
3) A programme of education and support for Trauma Responsive Social Work Services.
Education and Early Learning and Childcare
In addition to this core programme of work delivered through the NTTP, Education Scotland have also developed a professional learning programme called Keeping Trauma in Mind which can be delivered nationally and locally to the education workforce. For further information, please contact
Building Sustainability
To ensure that future generations of the workforce have the knowledge, skills and confidence to incorporate trauma-informed and responsive practice into their roles, we need to ensure that an understanding of psychological trauma is woven into Professional Qualification Pathways and Continued Professional Learning opportunities.
To help understand the current landscape and identify future opportunities in the Children and Families sector, the NTTP commissioned a scoping study with a focus on School Nursing, Health Visiting, Children and Families Social Work, Residential Childcare and Secure Care. Click here to access the findings.